It's bake day, the sourdough is on fire today. Hot-from-the-oven sourdough, croissants, ugly bits, tomato jam 3-6p TODAY. Thanks to the newly expanded team (woot for Jenny, Spencer, Riki and David), we're FULLY STOCKED for PreOrders and Walk-Ins. Thank you to everyone for your patience and support Questions? Please call 619-289-8358.
I bet you've never had a croissant like this before......Bi-Color Olive Chocolate. Subtle, salty, sweet, nutty (a dash of buckwheat flour). I keep sneaking them from the kitchen. Yum squared!
Available today, exclusively for our IZOLA family.
Note: we're soooooo looking forward to in-person tastings as soon as it's COVID safe.
pssssst, I heard that Jeffrey has been ordering a lot of almonds....could there be a croissant d'amandes in the works?
We are thrilled to announce that we are launching a line of bakery equipment....designed by the IZOLA help us and other bakeries make hot-from-the-oven bread and croissants for you! Production on triple deck oven #1 with stone sole and steam injection began yesterday and will be baking delicious bread and pastry here at IZOLA by May 1. Stay tuned for a mini deck oven for the home baker...... Learn more